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A new challenge, ooh!

So a couple months ago, while I was still working on my 30 Kisses Challenge, I found somewhere (can't remember where, and I don't have the link anymore, sorry to whoever originally created the list!) a new challenge I immediately wanted to try, the 100 Theme Challenge. Basically, you get a hundred themes and you do whatever you want with them. I decided to add a few rules for myself, because I knew it could go all wrong, so it's simple :

I have to write at least 150 words per theme as fast as possible, and at least one theme a day. Easy, you'll tell me, but oh, when you can take your inspiration from anywhere, it's not. I'm already stuck on my third theme, oops. I'll try to post them as soon as I'm done with them, but we'll see.

The purpose of this challenge for me is to try to write faster, and to quickly put up a summary with a beginning and an ending that make sense. The 30KC already helped me a bit with that, but I was limping near its end, so I thought a hundred freaking challenges should do the trick to my laziness.

Edit 1 : Starting from the #21, the new rule is to write at least 250 words instead.
Edit 2 : Starting from the #41, it'll be 500+ words instead.
Edit 3: Starting from #61, it shall be at least 750 words. OMG, this is getting hard.
Edit 4: Starting from #81, it shall be at least 1000 words... I really enjoy this challenge, but damn, I have no social life anymore.

The themes' list:

1. Love
2. Light
3. Dark
4. Seeking Solace
5. Break Away
6. Innocence
7. Breathe Again
8. Memory
9. Insanity
10. Silence
11. Blood
12. Tears
13. Sorrow
14. Happiness
15. Flower
16. Night
17. Stars
18. Eyes
19. Dream (Part 1 of the Incubus story)
20. Waiting
21. Sacrifice (Part 1 of Witches story)
22. Fairy Tale
23. Magic (Part 1 of Dive Under)
24. Mirror
25. Broken Pieces (Part 2 of Dive Under)
26. Starvation
27. Words
28. Can you hear me?
29. Heal
30. Pain (Taken of the universe of The Veredas Contract)
31. Drowning (Part 2 of Witches story)
32. Last Hope
33. Puzzle
34. Solitude
35. Relaxation
36. Break
37. Mother (Prequel of The Cellar)
38. Want
39. Wrath
40. Moon
41. Walk
42. See
43. Die
44. Young
45. Need
46. Horrific
47. Snow
48. Storm
49. Alcohol
50. Alone (Part 1 of Teardrops Burn)
51. Gone (Part 2 of Teardrops Burn)
52. Wedding (Part 3 of Teardrops Burn)
53. Fantasy
54. Lock and key (Part 4 of Teardrops Burn)
55. Poison
56. Sword
57. Bones
58. Chains (Part 1 of the Freedom story)
59. Rainbow (Part 2 of the Freedom story)
60. Midnight (Part 5 of Teardrops Burn)
61. Fear
62. Underwater
63. Wings - Ailes (En français)
64. Unseen
65. Princess (Part 1 of the Princess Warrior story)
66. Sharp (Part 2 of the Princess Warrior story)
67. Fading (Part 2 of the Incubus story)
68. Dirt (Part 6 of Teardrops Burn)
69. What if... (Part 7 of Teardrops Burn)
70. Lace (Part 8 of Teardrops Burn)
71. Bird
72. Fashion (Taken of the universe of The Veredas Contract)
73. Bunny (Part 9 of Teardrops Burn)
74. Scars (Part 10 of Teardrops Burn)
75. Sparkle
76. Confusion (Part 11 of Teardrops Burn)
77. Freedom (Part 3 of the Freedom story)
78. Joy
79. Time (Part 12 of Teardrops Burn)
80. Warmth
81. Insomnia (Part 13 of Teardrops Burn)
82. Dance (Part 1 of A Dance story)
83. Message (Part 2 of A Dance story)
84. Imaginary
85. Underworld (Part 3 of Dive Under)
86. Ice (Part 4 of Dive Under)
87. Hope (Part 5 of Dive Under)
88. Fire (Part 14 of Teardrops Burn)
89. Song
90. Lost (Set after the events of The Cellar)
91. Play (Part 15 of Teardrops Burn)
92. Run (18+)
93. Wild (18+)
94. Morning (18+)
95. Loneliness
96. Sweet
97. Courage (Part 17 and Epilogue of Teardrops Burn)
98. Grandparents
99. Ocean
100. Forever

1 commentaire:

  1. Oh, que je sens ta rage impuissante!

    Tu te crées un cahier de charges pour ce défi-là? Veux-tu le (le cahier) rendre public ou pas? Si non, ça crée un intérêt supplémentaire au lecteur, qui sent un fil conducteur, mais ne le sait pas vraiment...! Si oui, ça procure un accès un peu tortueux à ton inspiration et à ton processus créatif.


Let's be cray cray together!

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